Saturday, September 12, 2009

1a) The persona is annoyed and tired in the poem. Phrases like “When Will the bell ring and end this Weariness” and “Their dross of indifference; and Take The Toll” shows that he wanted to end the lessons quickly as the students cannot be bothered to learn at all.
"Of several insults of blotted pages, and scrawl
Of slovenly work that they have offered me "
Above two lines show that the students are very indifferent about their work. "How long have they tugged the leash, and strained apart,
My pack of unruly hounds! I cannot start "
This shows that the students are very rebellious and out of control which made the persona used the word "sick" which can mean that he was ill or tired of teaching the class.
"I can haul them and urge them no more.
No longer now can I endure the brunt "
"What good to them or me, I cannot see! "
This shows that the class is already hopeless in learning and the persona has already given up teachong the class. He feels that the lessons are a waste of time as the students just cannot be bothered to learn.
"I cannot start "
This is an alliteration that has cannot and start both ending with "t". It suggests that the persona is very annoyed.