Sunday, June 28, 2009

What happens to a dream deferred?Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?Or fester like a sore--And then run?Does it stink like rotten meat?Or crust and sugar over--like a syrup sweet?Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.Or does it explode?

Similes are used for this poem as the poet wanted to give the readers an idea of what a deferred dream in his opinion like "dry up like a raisin' in the sun". Personification is also used for this poem. The poet mentioned that the dream would run, giving the idea that it may just disappear someday. Hyperbole is used throught this whole poem. The poet exaggerated a lot like fester like a sore. In reality this kind of things would not happen, maybe he was just trying to relate a dream to some kind of living thing that is neglected.

This poem does not have a unique style of writing but the words used are very unique. Syrup by itself is already very sweet, but the poet added crust and sugar on it which made the syrup as sweet as possible. The poet compared the smell of the dream and the two examples are very far apart. I do not know what his motive is but I just find it very interesting. The poem is simple and the words are easy to understand but the inner meanings are difficult. It may just seem like a guy expressing his thoughts about a deferred dream but I believe that there is a much deeper meaning in it though i do not know what it is.

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