Tuesday, February 24, 2009

After Philip transfered to washinton acedamy,he felt very lonely,without friendes,no track team only a soccer team which he is unfamiliar with.after a month,he had enough of the loneliness and decided to own up but after all the chaos he created,people all thought that he was the victim and even his parents are decieved.if he confessed,his situation will be far worse than miss narwin.reporters will gather outside his house and questions which he don't know how to answer will come to him continuously.it will also do bad for his parents since they went to complain about miss narwin with others and this issue was spread across the whole country.telegrams would be sent to him and it would be able to flood his house.now his former classmates are working to clear miss narwin's name.he would become the centre of gossip and life will be hard for him includiong participating in competitions and olympics.his future will be ruined and that will be the end of him.dreading the prospect of these nasty things to happen to him,he continued to keep quiet about the issue.when he finally can't take it anymore,he went to smoke and drink so drown his sorrows even though he was underaged.eventually,he was sent to jail when he was 20 for smugglingof drugs and feeding on them.the reporters did not let go of the chance to dig up some information on why he ended up in this situation and found out about the truth of him humming the national atheme instead of singing and miss narwin merely sent him to the assisstant principal rather than suspending him.inside the jail,he had gone madand kept sprouting nonsense

1 comment:

  1. The front part of the story was interesting are relevant, if he had admitted, the reporters would definetly be swarming to his house and asking him questions.
    However, the second part of the story was...funny. He was in high school and when he was 20, he smuggled drugs and fed on them. Wouldn't phillip make new friends in his new school ? He could still take running as a passion. And i don't find it quite real for someone to smuggle drugs, take drugs, go to jail and go mad because of such an incident. And how did reporters get that story ? And why would he going to jail and becoming mad relate to humming the national anthem ?
